Chandon Autumn
Hey! My name is Chandon Autumn. I am a DJ under the alias Cyncron, and also the founder and journalist of The Dream Zine, an online and printed media platform. I am also a photographer, a model, and so many things in between. I created The Dream Zine several years ago as a revolt against negative mainstream media, and for those who strived for something more beyond the typical 9 to 5 “work-til-you-die” mentality. I began studying and interviewing people who were authentically living their dreams, passions, and desires of various forms. The results were contagious, resulting in the pursuit of my ever-growing dream to provide a voice for the voiceless and a positive, inspirational platform for the public to stand upon towards the creation of an inspired global community.
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Benutzerdefinierte Links
Cyncron's Facebook
TDZ Merch
Cyncron's Instagram
TDZ Etsy
Cyncron's Merch
Chandon's Personal Profile
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